Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Freedom again in Texas!

Great news on the Gardasil front: Texas governor Rick Perry has announced he won't veto a bill repealing his mandate of the vaccine! This means that the young girls of Texas again have some rights to control their bodies and to be treated as something other than sexual objects. Although he finally made a morally correct decision, Perry shows that he resents having to make the right choice:

"I challenge legislators to look these women in the eyes and tell them, 'We could have prevented this disease for your daughters and granddaughters, but we just didn't have the gumption to address all the misguided and misleading political rhetoric.'"

How rude. I could easily look such women in the eyes with no qualms whatsoever and tell them that if they were celibate they could have easily avoided getting cervical cancer. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Gardasil mandates in other states will die before they become law.

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