Sunday, July 08, 2007

Man sues over gay marriage question

An aspiring lawyer is suing the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners and 4 members of the state's Supreme Judicial Court for a very good reason. Stephen Dunne says that there was a question on the March 1 exam that forced applicants to "accept, support, and promote homosexual marriage and homosexual parenting." Because he left that question blank, Dunne failed the exam. He now wants $9,750,000 in damages, and I agree with him 100%. Scores on standardized tests like the bar exam should never have anything to do with the applicants' opinions. Such tests should only measure people's knowledge of facts and their ability to defend their opinions, never what the opinions are. I hope this unjust question is removed from the exam and that anyone who failed the exam because of it is allowed to pass. Being forced to mindlessly agree with the popular opinion should never be a requirement to practice law.

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