Thursday, August 23, 2007

OJ has rights too

Barnes & Noble recently announced that it would not stock copies of O.J. Simpson's book "If I Did It" in stores, but would make the book available over the internet. I think the book store made the right decision. Although Barnes & Noble claims that there is little demand for O.J.'s book, I think people who want to buy it have a right to do so. Heck, I am actually considering getting it at some point; it would probably be interesting.

Denise Brown, the sister of O.J.'s ex-wife and (alleged) victim is wrong to argue that the book should not be published. Everyone is (and should be) protected by the First Amendment, and that includes murderers and accused murderers. The Son of Sam law was ruled unconstitutional, as it should be. Not liking a book gives you no right to prevent it from being published. Plenty of people hate the Harry Potter books, yet J.K. Rowling continued to write them to the delight of fans worldwide. There are a lot of books I hate, but I am powerless to stop them from being published. Denise Brown is no more important than you or me, and just like you or me she shouldn't be able to stomp on someone's First Amendment rights just because she doesn't like what they have to say. It's not up to me to say who should receive the profits from O.J.'s book, but I believe that he has a right to write and publish it, and that anyone who wants to has a right to read it.


Anonymous said...

You are totally missing the point and shows how uneducated you truly are. Do you know how many more murders this will cause - isn't 1 more too many? We are so desensitized as a nation to allow the glorification of this horrific tale of murder. What kind of world are we setting up for our next generation to live in? Funny how the Goldman's were all about it not being published and thought it was the worst thing that could ever be out there and NOW, because the money is going in "their" pocket when 2 people were murdered - not just their son - it's all the sudden okay? They are the most hypocritical people on earth at this point and should be exposed for who they truly are - dispicable (Fred's favorite word by the way!). The BLOOD IS ON THEIR HANDS FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN!

Anonymous said...

How DARE you put Denise Brown down. Do you even realize the incredible work she is doing out there and helping to save lives? What ground do you have to stand on? She lost a sister - not any different than what Kim Goldman (total hipocrit as well as her father) did too. She has done so much to help victims and laws in this country - truly bringing the subject of domestic violence to the forefront and you can even say a bad word about this woman? Try googling Fred and Kim and see the work they have done out there! Maybe Fred should step out from behind his mustache and be a REAL hero and man - not a hypocrit!

Imperial Leader said...

Dear anonymous,
I don't think I put Denise Brown down, I just stated that I disagree with her. I am sorry if you interpreted it that way. I appreciate your comments, but I am sticking to my opinion. Thank you.