Monday, September 17, 2007

My health care idea

Hillary Clinton has just unveiled her plan for health care in America, and I don't agree with it at all. According to Hillary's plan, all Americans would be required to have health insurance, and all large businesses would be required to provide insurance. Small businesses would have tax incentives to provide insurance, but would not be required to. Naturally, the government would provide subsidies to pay for poor people's insurance, so the federal budget would be increased by $110 billion!

First of all, no one should ever be required to have any kind of insurance. The government has no right to tell people what they must spend their money on. If any state mandates health insurance or auto insurance, the federal government has an obligation to step in and overturn the state's law.

Second of all, I don't think employers should provide insurance; I think insurance companies should provide insurance. People should decide if they want health insurance or not, and then, if they choose to, buy it from the company that sells it. Health insurance should be bought and sold like any other commodity, not automatically deducted from people's paychecks.

Finally, I oppose Hillary's plan because it would cause the federal government to spend more money, and the feds already spend vastly more money than they should.

Here is my plan for health care: Health care and health insurance should be completely optional. To make health care affordable, the government should set maximum prices that doctors and health insurance companies can charge for their services. I think anything significantly more than $20 a month for health insurance is unreasonable. Different medical procedures would have different maximum costs, probably each under $100. If you want health care or insurance and think the price is a good deal, then you can buy it. If you can't pay or don't think it's worth the money, then don't get it. If the insurance companies can't make money without charging ridiculously high fees, then they should go out of business and people can just pay for the health care they choose to get.

My plan is the only one I've heard of that is just. The government has no right to force people to get insurance, or to take people's money and give it to poorer people. Health insurance companies and doctors have no right to charge exorbitant prices. My plan solves these three problems and would create a truly fair system for America.

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