Friday, January 25, 2008

Entwistle trial delayed again!

Neil Entwistle's trial has been delayed yet again! At a hearing in Middlesex Superior Court this morning, defense lawyer Elliot Weinstein explained that his co-counsel, Stephanie Page, had major surgery in December and will not be able to work until the end of February. Judge Diane Kottmyer agreed to delay the trial until June.

There will be a status hearing on March 14, and a motions hearing on June 2, which will be immediately followed by jury selection and then the trial.

Source: Daily News Transcript

Saturday, January 19, 2008

South Carolina results

Ron Paul didn't do as well in South Carolina as Nevada, but he beat Giuliani again! At the moment, Paul is in 5th place, with 4% of the vote. Not bad, I guess.

McCain seems to be the Republican winner, and the Democrats don't have their primary in S.C. until the 26th .

Paul gets 2nd in Nevada

Out of all the Republican presidential candidates, Ron Paul came in second in Nevada! At the moment, with 98% of precincts reporting, he has 13% of the vote, behind Mitt Romney. John McCain is close behind him, though, so let's hope Paul holds on!

And now for a disappointing piece of news: Republican Duncan Hunter has dropped out of the race. I kind of liked him (not as much as Paul of course) but he never really had a chance, so oh well.

I'll post an update later with my take on the South Carolina results.

Go Ron Paul!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Michigan results

Well, Ron Paul didn't do too badly in Michigan. He came in 4th, with 6% of the vote, behind Romney, McCain, and Huckabee. He beat Giuliani again, at least!

I'm actually glad that Romney won, not because I like him but because now there's no clear-cut front runner on the Republican side. Although Ron Paul is my favorite, even I admit that he's probably not going to win, and it would be boring if we knew so soon who the winner would be. The race will be more exciting to watch without a front runner, and people in more states will feel that their vote actually matters.

On a somewhat related topic, I found a cool Ron Paul site: Go check it out, they are selling lots of cool Paul memorabilia, including CDs of songs about him!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pring-Wilson's plea deal

In a surprising legal move, Alexander Pring-Wilson pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter today in the death of Michael Colono. He was going to be charged with voluntary manslaughter in his third trial. Today he was sentenced to two years in prison, but could get credit for the almost ten months he served at various times between his arrest and when the verdict in his first trial was thrown out.

"He has long ago accepted moral responsibility for his actions," said Pring-Wilson's lawyer, Peter Parker. "He took a life. He will live with that and he will struggle with that for the rest of his life."

Colono's sister called for a longer sentence, saying, "It's not fair, and it's all Alexander Pring-Wilson's fault, the man who thinks he's God."

I agree with her that it's not fair - not fair that a young man is going to jail for an act of self-defense. Pring-Wilson thinks he's God for walking down the street and not wanting to get killed???

I'm disappointed that Pring-Wilson decided not to fight for his innocence in a third trial. But I guess he doesn't want to risk a longer sentence, and perhaps he and his family are running out of money. I bet he feels terrible about what happened, and that should be punishment enough. It's sad that he won't ever be able to become a lawyer. I hope the other inmates don't make his life too miserable in prison, and I hope he can live a moderately happy life once he gets out.

I wasn't at the sentencing, so for more details, check out the AP's article.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Paul beats Giuliani!

The results of the Iowa caucuses are in, and as you probably know by now Huckabee seems to be the Republican winner and Obama the Democratic winner. The thing that makes me happiest, however, is that Ron Paul came in 5th among the Republicans with 10% of the vote! He beat Rudy Giuliani, who got 4%!

Go Paul!

Source: CNN

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Imperial Awards 2007

The time has come again for my roundup of the notable people and events of the year. Without forther ado, here are the Imperial Awards of 2007:

Person of the year: General David Petraeus

Worst person of the year: Rick Perry, the Texas governor who tried to make HPV vaccination mandatory

Politician of the year: Ron Paul

Athletes of the year: Boston Red Sox

Trial of the year: Massachusetts vs. Alexander Pring-Wilson

In memoriam: Benazir Bhutto, Lady Bird Johnson, and many others...