Friday, March 14, 2008

Entwistle's trial on track for June

The trial of Neil Entwistle is still scheduled to begin on June 2 and is expected to last about 3 weeks, it was announced at a hearing this morning in Middlesex Superior Court. Up to 150 jurors will take part in the jury selection process. Entwistle was not present at today's hearing.

By the way, this is the last day the Superior Court will conduct business in the Cambridge courthouse where it is now located. Over the weekend, the court will move to its new home in Woburn so that the Cambridge building can be renovated. I wonder where they'll keep all the inmates (including Entwistle) who are now staying atop the Cambridge courthouse. They'll probably move them this weekend, but I bet they want to keep Entwistle's transportation plans a secret...


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