Monday, April 28, 2008

Miley Cyrus in Vanity Fair

I used to really like Miley Cyrus. I like her music, and I liked that she was a good role model for kids and dressed in stylish, cute clothes without trying to be sexy or inappropriate. But now that I've seen the "topless" picture of her in Vanity Fair, I'm not so sure. For anyone who doesn't know, Miley did a photoshoot with Annie Leibovitz, and in one of the pictures she seems to be wearing nothing but a white sheet. It's not clear if she's actually wearing clothes under the sheet or not, but either way the photo is completely inappropriate, especially considering that she's only 15 years old!

I have never been a fan of Vanity Fair or Leibovitz's photography - they seem to sexualize things way too much. That magazine has way too many nude pictures of celebrities, and a couple of years ago they did a shoot of Dakota Fanning, who was only 11, wearing very mature dresses and making adult poses and facial expressions. Apparently, photographing an 11-year-old nude was too inappropriate even for them, but I guess they think 15 is fine. The pictures of Miley are yet another sign that our society is trying to sexualize everything and everyone, at younger and younger ages. Leibovitz can call her photos art, but if they are, they are definitely not my kind of art.

The good thing is that Miley has apologized for the photo and seems to regret it. "I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed," she said. I hope Miley's apology is sincere and that she doesn't do anything like this again. Maybe there's still hope for her...


Unknown said...

Hope for Miley
Dedicated to Miley for love, faith and hope for a better future
Many of you now know Miley’s recent photo shoot for Vanity Fair magazine. No matter of your opinion now, I hope you see some bright side to this situation just as I do. Yes, she is only 15, but is that your only defense? I have forgiven her for what she has done because it was the right thing to do. Now it is your turn…your turn to see the light. That is what I am striving to show you.
Think about the Miley the world knows deep in their hearts, the Miley that makes the world smile at the mention of her name, the Miley that strives to be the best Christian celebrity she can be. She has only hit a bump in the road. Think about it. Nobody really is perfect. Have you ever done anything similar to this? Maybe not, but several have. The only difference is she is a teenage celebrity. We should all know by now that Miley is a very good girl, but she is still human. Everyone makes mistakes that blow up in their face.
We do not know what it is like to be the world’s wealthiest kid at age 15. Some of us have not even reached 15. She has apologized and I believe she means it. If you think about the Miley we all know and love, why would she not mean it…to cover her reputation? I do not think so. It is easy to think something is “cool” then let it eat at your heart, making you feel embarrassed and guilty. Why not cut her some slack and forgive her? She is still human. She is no different than us. Plus, she is still a kid. Why not give her a break? Are you ready to forgive her?

Imperial Leader said...

Hey Kayla,
Thanks for your comment! I think Miley is probably sincere too. At least I hope so. I mean, I would never take pictures like that, but no one is perfect. It sounds like the people at Vanity Fair sort of pressured her into doing it, so I'll try to forgive her. Hopefully she learned a lesson!