Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Big Brother comes to Logan

Remember when the Phoenix airport installed those scanners that show passengers' naked bodies as they pass through security? Logan Airport, in my hometown of Boston, is following suit. Starting in October or November, the TSA will install the invasive full-body scanners at Logan. Luckily, they are not going to be used on everyone, but only on people who set off the metal detector or who are marked as "persons of interest." Additionally, people can refuse and instead be patted down or scanned with a handheld metal detector. Still, this is a violation of people's privacy rights.

Right now, it seems as though no one is forced to be exposed by the scanners, which is a good thing. However, it gives me the creeps that technology like this even exists. What if the TSA someday decides to use the scanners on all passengers? What if they eliminate the option of being scanned (less intrusively) by hand?

Airport security is invasive enough as it is. There is no good reason why anyone needs a technology that enables them to see other people's naked bodies through their clothes. Security is important, but privacy rights are even more important. The government has already drastically increased national security since 9/11, and full-body scanners are taking it too far.

Source: Boston Globe

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