Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Congrats Taylor!

Congratulations to Taylor Hicks, our new American Idol! Taylor deserved to win; I think Katharine picked bad songs and chose not to sing the melody. Instead, she tried to show off her voice by singing strange harmonies which often sounded more like screaming than singing. My favorite parts of the show were Taylor's performance of his new single at the end and the "Brokenote Cowboys!" I always liked Garet (I hope I spelled his name right) and was disappointed when the judges sent the three cowboys home. They sang really well tonight, and, in my opinion, sounded better than many of the final 12. It was also great seeing Bucky and Kellie! And, I almost forgot about the Clay Aiken impersonator. The moment when he was singing and saw Clay walk onto the stage was priceless! Overall, tonight's show was excellent, and so were the results. This time, I agree with America's musical taste!

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