Friday, May 26, 2006

Peterson's pen pal

Scott Peterson has a pen pal of whom, until now, the world was not aware. Richelle Nice, one of the jurors who sentenced Peterson to death, has been corresponsing with him since August 2005 and has written about 25 letters to him. Nice wrote her first letter to Peterson upon the advice of her psychiatrist and at first did not intend to sent it. Peterson wrote back, which is surprising because I've heard that he hasn't been replying to many letters since his move to San Quentin in March 2005. Nice says that Peterson is extremely polite in his letters and gives Nice many compliments. He also denies killing his wife. Although she corresponds with Peterson, Nice doesn't seem to like him much (not surprisingly since she thinks he deserves the death penalty!). This is what she says about Peterson: "When life begins to get a little uncomfortable for you, what do you do? You commit murder?' What a sorry cop-out." For the full story, see Court TV.

Also related to Peterson is the fact that the 12 jurors in his trial have signed a book deal. This news came out about a week ago, but, to my knowledge, has not appeared on the major news networks. A couple of stories about the book deal can be found at

1 comment:

Brenda said...

What kind of person becomes a murder's pen pal? Really? Aren't there some people who haven't killed their wife and baby that she can talk with? There is nothing worse than a murderer but a person who attaches themselves to one for publicity is pretty darn close.
