Friday, December 15, 2006

What's with the Bushes?

Is it just me, or is the Bush family turning into a bunch of liberals? I learned recently that both George W. and Jeb Bush, while serving as governors of Texas and Florida, respectively, have signed bills guaranteeing women the right to breastfeed their babies in public, something I completely oppose.

Now President Bush is saying he's "happy" about Mary Cheney's pregnancy with her lesbian partner, and Jeb is bashing Congressman Tom Tancredo for his brave comments, of which any conservative should be proud. Last month, Tancredo compared Miami to a "third world country" because it is filled with non-English speaking non-whites who refuse to look, speak, act, and think like true Americans. All I can say is that Tancredo is right on! Yet Jeb called him a "nut." What a complete loser! Shame on you, Governor Bush.

Rep. Tancredo, however, seems like a patriotic, intelligent man. Therefore, he is my pick for Person of the Week! Visit his site at

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