Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Merck ends corrupt lobbying!

Hooray! Merck has decided to stop its corrupt practice of lobbying states to mandate the HPV vaccine Gardasil. The Houston Chronicle has many good articles on the topic, including one that says that 90 members of the Texas legislature have signed a bill to prevent Gov. Rick Perry's oppressive mandate.

"Maybe we'll get even some more with Merck acknowledging that this isn't the right thing to be doing right now," says Rep. Dennis Bonnen, a Republican.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hope in Texas

I found a new article about Texas Gov. Rick Perry's abominable plan to make the HPV vaccine mandatory. It seems that there is a tiny bit of hope - a bill has been filed that would rescind his order. It had better get passed!

I also found a new enemy in the fight against Gardasil:
Dr. Patrick Hisel -
“Calling HPV a sexually transmitted disease is debatable because it’s the same virus that causes warts on our fingers." Not true.
“By 26 most women have been exposed and there is no reason to vaccinate if you have already had the exposure." How pathetic to justify the violation of asexual, celibate Americans' civil rights just because they're in the minority.

And two new allies:
Stacy Frye -
“My concern is that it is early … to me, sixth grade is a little young and who is going to pay for it?”
Laura Catlin -
“Vaccinations are not cure-alls ... As a mom, I think they are going too far and invading our private space too much.”
“My standing next to you, that’s not going to do anything to you."
“It’s not their business … it’s a personal choice. Where do they stop?”

Eben Howard arraigned for assault and battery

An inmate named Eben Howard was arraigned today for allegedly kicking Neil Entwistle in the stomach. The incident occurred shortly after 9:00 P.M. on December 20th when both inmates were outside their cells in the jail's medical wing. Entwistle sustained no serious physical injuries, but he and Howard were both transferred to Bridgewater State Hospital the next day - Neil for depression (which may have been partly caused by the incident) and Eben for schizophrenia. Howard has pleaded not guilty to the charges of assault and battery. Neil will probably testify for the prosecution at his trial - that should certainly be interesting!

Also, thanks to Ernest, I know that there was no hearing on January 26th, as there wasn't anything that needed to be discussed. Neil's next court appearance will be April 23rd.

Go to the Boston Globe to see an article with a picture of Howard.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Texas makes HPV vaccine mandatory!!!

This is absolutely unbelievable: Texas, of all states, has required all girls entering the sixth grade to receive Gardasil, a vaccine for the sexually transmitted disease HPV. That's right, I said Texas. I thought Texas was a conservative state, but I was apparently quite wrong. Governor Rick Perry (who is a Republican!!) has issued an executive order enacting this despicable law. Not only has he destroyed the innocence and asexuality of all Texas girls and smashed the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, but he has bypassed the state legislature! Despicably, the legislatue has no power to overturn this abomination. Only Perry himself or a successor can do anything about the atrocity.

I do believe I have a new least favorite person in the world, and guess who it is? You guessed it, Rick Perry. In addition to opposing logic, dignity, and celibacy, this scumbag also opposes abortion rights. It seems that his opinions seem to be the opposite of mine on just about anything. Because Blogger does not like its bloggers to post threats of physical harm against anyone, I will refrain from doing so, but let it suffice to say that Perry deserves any unpleasant, painful experience imaginable. At the absolute least, he must be impeached! Perry is a traitor to the Republican Party, to the people of Texas, and to all innocent, celibate, and asexual people of the world! Oh, and I forgot to mention that fact that his buddy, former chief of staff Mike Toomey, is a lobbyist for Merck, and his current chief of staff's mother-in-law is a state leader of Women in Government, an organization through which Merck lobbyists funnel money. It is absolutely disgusting to me that these pigs make decisions that impact millions of people just so they can make a little more money!

Here are the enemies in the fight against Gardasil:
Merck - the company the manufactures the abomination
Women in Government - a group through which Merck lobbyists funnel money in many states
Rick Perry - Texas governor who mandated the vaccine against the legislature's will
Mike Toomey - Perry's former chief of staff and a Merck lobbyist
Dianne White Delisi - Republican state rep in Texas who is the mother-in-law of of Perry's chief of staff and a state director of Women in Government
Krista Moody - Perry's spokeswoman who agrees with his decision
Janet Skidmore - Merck spokeswoman
Susan Crosby - president of Women in Government
Jessica Farrar - Democratic Texas rep who says that "To not want to eradicate cervical cancer is irresponsible.”

And here are the allies:
Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education - a citizens' group supporting the right to opt out of vaccine requirements
Focus on the Family - opposes mandatory vaccination. They have a couple problems: they believe parents have the right to decide whether their children are vaccinated (actually only the children have the right) and they support having Gardasil available for those who want it. For the most part, though, I agree with them on the Gardasil issue.
Texas Eagle Forum - a conservative watchdog group
Dawn Richardson - head of Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education. “He’s circumventing the will of the people,” she says of Perry, "There are bills filed. There’s no emergency except in the boardrooms of Merck, where this is failing to gain the support that they had expected.”
Linda Klepacki - member of Focus on the Family. Has same ideological problems as Adams (below) but overall good.
Cathie Adams - president of Texas Eagle Forum. “What it does is benefit the pharmaceutical companies, and I don’t want pharmaceutical companies taking precedence over the authorities of parents,” she says, “It’s corrupt as far as I’m concerned." The only problem with her philosophy is that she believes parents have the right to determine what vaccines their kids get - it's actually kids themselves that have that right. I agree with her on everything besides that, though.

Drugmaker wants law to require STD shot (no kidding!)
Texas governor orders STD vaccine for all girls
Cervical cancer: are you at risk? (Look at question 6. It seems that one very important answer choice is missing!)