Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hope in Texas

I found a new article about Texas Gov. Rick Perry's abominable plan to make the HPV vaccine mandatory. It seems that there is a tiny bit of hope - a bill has been filed that would rescind his order. It had better get passed!

I also found a new enemy in the fight against Gardasil:
Dr. Patrick Hisel -
“Calling HPV a sexually transmitted disease is debatable because it’s the same virus that causes warts on our fingers." Not true.
“By 26 most women have been exposed and there is no reason to vaccinate if you have already had the exposure." How pathetic to justify the violation of asexual, celibate Americans' civil rights just because they're in the minority.

And two new allies:
Stacy Frye -
“My concern is that it is early … to me, sixth grade is a little young and who is going to pay for it?”
Laura Catlin -
“Vaccinations are not cure-alls ... As a mom, I think they are going too far and invading our private space too much.”
“My standing next to you, that’s not going to do anything to you."
“It’s not their business … it’s a personal choice. Where do they stop?”

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