Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Eben Howard arraigned for assault and battery

An inmate named Eben Howard was arraigned today for allegedly kicking Neil Entwistle in the stomach. The incident occurred shortly after 9:00 P.M. on December 20th when both inmates were outside their cells in the jail's medical wing. Entwistle sustained no serious physical injuries, but he and Howard were both transferred to Bridgewater State Hospital the next day - Neil for depression (which may have been partly caused by the incident) and Eben for schizophrenia. Howard has pleaded not guilty to the charges of assault and battery. Neil will probably testify for the prosecution at his trial - that should certainly be interesting!

Also, thanks to Ernest, I know that there was no hearing on January 26th, as there wasn't anything that needed to be discussed. Neil's next court appearance will be April 23rd.

Go to the Boston Globe to see an article with a picture of Howard.

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