Monday, June 18, 2007

Justice for the Duke lacrosse players

Justice seems to have returned to North Carolina. Prosecutor Mike Nifong of the Duke "rape" case was recently disbarred, and just today Duke University announced that it would pay a cash settlement to the three falsely accused young men who were unfairly kicked off their lacrosse team. Dave Evans, Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligmann explained their opinions quite nicely in a joint statement:

"The events of the last year tore the Duke community apart, and forcibly separated us from the university we love. We were the victims of a rogue prosecutor concerned only with winning an election, and others determined to railroad three Duke lacrosse players and to diminish the reputation of Duke University."

Although it was a nice gesture of Nifong to apologize to the three young men and their families, the lacrosse players have every right to sue him, and it seems they may be preparing to do just that. In addition to Nifong, they most definitely have the right to sue Crystal Mangum, the stripper and accuser. Can anyone say slander? These boys paid millions of dollars in legal fees because of Nifong's and Mangum's lies, not to mention the emotional distress and damage to their reputations that they endured. Because they did nothing wrong, the lacrosse players deserve to be recompensated for their suffering and financial losses, and the people who caused this whole fiasco should be the ones to pay.

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