Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Republican debate #2

I just watched the Republican debate, and here's my run-down of the candidates:

Tom Tancredo - The winner, in my opinion. I completely agree with him on immigration. I liked that he said he would never create a campaign ad in Spanish like Mitt Romney did. Great quote: "We are becoming a bilingual nation, and that is not good." Tancredo also mentioned his opposition to government control over healthcare and prescription drugs and expressed his support of conservation.

Duncan Hunter - Had one awesome line that Romney had taken a major step toward socialism with Massachusetts's mandatory health insurance law.

Ron Paul - I liked his opinion on gays in the military - that the "don't ask, don't tell" policy is fine and that any immoral sexual acts should be banned, not just gay ones. But I disliked his response to the question "what is the most pressing moral issue facing America, and what would you do about it?" He said preemptive war was the worst moral problem for America.

Mike Huckabee - I liked his belief in intelligent design: "He (God) did it, and that's what's important." However, I really disliked his answer to the moral issue question. He answered "life" - meaning abortion.

Sam Brownback - I liked his opinion on gays in the military - the same as Paul's. I also liked his idea to divide Iraq into 3 states - Kurd, Sunni, and Shiite. However, he had the same answer to the moral issue question as Hukabee.

Jim Gilmore - He had one good quote: "Conservatism means empowering people."

Tommy Thompson - At first I thought he made up a word: conservativism. But I looked it up, and it turns out it is a word. I actually prefer it to conservatism.

Mitt Romney - Didn't say anything particularly interesting. He often seemed to dodge questions and seems kind of phony.

John McCain - Way too liberal on immigration.

Rudy Giuliani - Too liberal as always, but I was surprised when he said that he opposed too much government control of healthcare.

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