Friday, August 15, 2008

Barred from the ballot

Bob Barr is the Libertarian candidate for president, but according to a Boston Globe editorial, his name may not appear on Massachusetts ballots this November. George Phillies, the chairman of the state Libertarian Party, was put on the Massachusetts ballots as a placeholder of sorts before the Libertarian National Convention took place. The party says they were told by MA election officials that they would be able to replace his name with the name of the nominee when one was chosen.

The state officials seem to have reversed themselves, however, as they are now saying the Libertarian Party cannot substitute Barr's name for Phillies. In the past, the state has agreed to allow substitution for vice-presidential candidates and has reportedly promised other parties that they could substitute presidential candidates, too.

I agree with W. James Antle III, the author of the editorial, that Barr should not be barred from the ballot. It is especially important during this election, where the Republican candidate leans moderate, for people to be able to vote for a right-wing, small-government candidate.