Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama's pick

This morning, Barack Obama chose Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware as his running mate. I'm not going to vote for Obama anyway, and Biden doesn't really change my opinion.

What I'm really looking forward to is when John McCain announces his choice. I think he should pick a truly right-wing Republican to bring some balance to the ticket. If he picked a moderate-leaning running mate like Mitt Romney, Michael Bloomberg, or even Joe Lieberman, a lot of conservative Republicans would feel that their party's ticket did not represent them. Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty or Mike Huckabee could be a good choice. Although there's absolutely no chance of it happening, I still think McCain and Ron Paul would make a cool ticket. He would definitely balance out some of McCain's views.

Speaking of Ron Paul, did you know that he's holding a Rally for the Republic? It will take place from Aug. 31 to Sept. 2 in Minneapolis, to coincide roughly with the Republican National Convention. I hope there'll be a lot of media coverage of it. I can't make it there myself, but it sounds like it'll be really cool.