I'm a college student majoring in philosophy. If you don't want to call me Imperial Leader, you can call me Victoria, my other online name. In my spare time, I enjoy collecting things, reading, writing, watching the news, and drawing. This blog is where I report on and express my opinions on current events. For the most part, my views tend to be a mix of conservative and libertarian. Thanks for reading, and enjoy my blog :)
Today I went to a rally for a great cause - ending the Massachusetts income tax. The event took place at Faneuil Hall and featured 11 speakers; pictures that I took of them are below. If you live in Massachusetts and are sick of the government growing bigger and bigger and spending more and more money, you should vote yes on Question 1. If Question 1 passes, the state income tax will be eliminated and each worker will get to keep, on average, $3,700 more each year instead of handing it over to the government. Visit smallgovernmentact.org to learn more!
Michael Graham, WTKK radio host
Carla Howell, Chair of the Committee for Small Government
Keith McCormic, State Senate candidate
Ted Tripp, Citizens for Limited Taxation
Kamal Jain, independent state budget expert
JC Cunningham, congressional candidate
Chuck Ormsby, North Andover School Committee
Garrett Quinn, Press Coordinator for Committee for Small Government
Cynthia Stead, Secretary of Mass. Republican Party