Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bad SAG Award nominees

The nominations for the Screen Actors' Guild Awards have been released, and, not very surprisingly, "Brokeback Mountain" has the most nominations. I've never seen this movie, but I'm sure any movie that's about gay people and contains nudity can't be very good. Overall, the nominees are extremely lackluster - if I'm not mistaken, no PG or G rated movies were nominated for anything! The only nominations that I found reasonable were Hugh Laurie of "House" for best actor in a TV drama, and Keifer Sutherland of "24" for the same category. The movies that should win awards are "The Chronicles of Narnia," "Because of Winn-Dixie," "War of the Worlds," and maybe "Chicken Little" and "Dreamer" (I haven't seen the last two yet). The nominees and the movies that weren't nominated aren't the least bit surprising, but I still enjoy criticizing the Guild's taste!

Go to to see the list of nominees.

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