Monday, January 16, 2006

History and movie rant

Today in history, Prohibition began in 1920, outlawing alcohol in America. This was a great day in history, and Prohibition should still be a national policy. Additionally, on this date in 2001, Attorney General John Ashcroft's confirmation hearings began. Ashcroft was an excellent A.G. (not to insult Alberto Gonzales), and is an awesome and one-of-a-kind conservative leader!

Another one of my random observations: the PG-rated movie "Hoodwinked," a new take on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, is number one at the box office this week. Amazingly, the reviewers at
Kids-in-Mind found no sex or nudity in this movie. Kids-in-Mind is a ridiculously strict website that reviews movies for parents, listing all potentially objectionable material that parents might not want their kids to see. I am pro-sensorship, and even I find many of the things they list ridiculous. For example, they consider the following things to be sexual in nature:
  • A man dancing with his cat in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"
  • Harry and Hermione, who are platonic friends, hugging in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"
  • Elves dancing in "The Polar Express"
  • A boy and a girl, who are also platonic friends, hugging in "The Polar Express"
  • Male centaurs without shirts in "The Chronicles of Narnia"
  • When Alexander the Great's mother kisses him on the forehead in "Alexander"

None of these things, in my opinion, are in the least bit sexual, and Kids-in-Mind has no right to label them as such. "Hoodwinked" is the first movie in about two years about which this site found nothing sexual. It seems like a good movie, and I'm looking forward to seeing it sometime. If you want to read some of their reviews (interesting though often ridiculous), go to my link above. Note that even if the site gives a movie 0 out of 10 for sex/nudity, it might still list a few things if you click for the detailed review.

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