Thursday, January 19, 2006

Miscellaneous news

Sorry for not posting sooner; I have many things to say but have been too busy to say them until now. First of all, happy belated birthday to Benjamin Franklin, who turned 300 on Tuesday. Happy birthday as well to Robert E. Lee, the brave, brilliant, and charming Confederate commander-in-chief, who turns 199 years old today!

I did not watch the Golden Globes because "24" was on at the same time, but I would like to congratulate Hugh Laurie of "House" for his win in the category of best actor in a television drama. The nominations for the BAFTA awards have been announced, and "The Chronicles of Narnia" has been nominated in three categories: costume design, visual effects, and makeup and hair. "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is nominated in the same categories, but "Narnia" is better (not by a huge amount, but by a substantial margin), and it is way better than almost any of the other movies that have been nomiated in any category. It's too bad that "Narnia" wasn't nominated for best picture or any other categories, but, knowing the bizarre tastes of film critics, I'm slightly surprised that it was nominated for these three categories. If you would like, click for the full list of nominees. Go Narnia!

Now for some Supreme Court commentary: the Court did well with its ruling in the doctor-assisted suicide case. People have a right to die if they want to, since dying isn't morally wrong. Therefore, they have a right to pay someone to help them die, and doctors have a right to kill someone if that's what the person told them to do. Why would you pay someone if they weren't going to do what you told them? On this ruling I actually agree with the liberal judges! What a scary thought!

The Supreme Court justices were sort of wimpy on their ruling about the New Hampshire law that required parents to be notified before minors can get an abortion. This law should be struck down, as it is un-individualistic and imposes an undue burden on minors that do not want a baby. Yes, it was immoral of the minors to get pregnant in the first place (unless they were raped), but getting an abortion is the right thing to do if one is pregnant, since babies are yucky, and it is more moral not to have a baby than to have one. I support abortion because it is a way to mitigate an immoral situation. Another issue on which I side with the liberals! However, my father tells me that I support abortion for fascist reasons, and I like to think that he's right!

Finally, did I mention Osama bin Laden's new tape? On Al-Jazeera, Osama declared that he plans to attack the US, but is offering us a truce. It's the first time he's been heard from in over a year! I've always though he was alive. For the full story, go to CNN.

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