Sunday, January 07, 2007

Peterson's fishing boat causes appeal issues

Scott Peterson's fishing boat, which was entered as evidence during his trial, has been moved from one courthouse to another without his lawyers' consent, potentially strengthening his chance of getting his conviction overturned on appeal. San Mateo County, where Peterson's trial was held, gave the boat back to Stanislaus County, where he allegedly murdered his wife (but where it was ruled he would be unable to receive a fair trial). Because Scott's lawyers did not get to argue about the boat's move beforehand, this gives them another nitpicky point to bring up when the appeals begin.

Also in Peterson news, Scott's ex-girlfriend, Amber Frey, has given a radio interview to ABC 30, a California news outlet, in which she gives relationship advice and talks about her new marriage.

Finally, for anyone who missed it, Scott's old house has been sold again, this time to a couple who wants to keep their identity a secret. Check out KTVU for more on this story, as well as numerous older Peterson articles, pictures, and more.

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