Sunday, January 28, 2007

What happened to Entwistle's hearing?

For anyone who was wondering why I did not post anything about Neil Entwistle's hearing that was supposed to be on Friday, the reason is that I have not seen anything about the hearing in any news media - on the Internet, on TV, or in newspapers! I have no idea why, but I'm guessing it was postponed for some reason. Each of his hearings has been shown live by either CBS or Court TV, and there have always been several Internet articles, so I find it highly unlikely that the hearing took place and received no media coverage. Even if it was postponed, I would expect to see at least one article telling me that it was postponed. I guess the news media just need to get their priorities straight!


Anonymous said...

The hearing was not held as there were no issues to be covered. His next hearing is set for April 23rd.

Imperial Leader said...

Thanks for the info! Good to know.