Thursday, December 27, 2007

New Entwistle evidence

The Boston Herald has discovered some new evidence in the Neil Entwistle case: a small amount of gunshot primer residue was found on a knife in Entwistle's house. Gunshot residue is commonly found on the hands and clothing of someone who fires a gun, so this means that Entwistle probably touched the knife after he allegedly shot his wife and baby daughter.

Entwistle has told investigators that he found his wife and baby dead and was so distraught he tried to commit suicide with a knife, but could not bring himself to do it. Perhaps the part about the knife is true! Maybe Entwistle intended to carry out a murder-suicide, but the gun got jammed or was out of bullets or something... Then as a last resort he reached for a knife to kill himself, but was too afraid to. That's my theory anyway, but it could be wrong.

Check out the Herald's two recent articles:

Cracking open the Entwistle file
Entwistle lawyers target embattled ME

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