Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ron Paul's interview

I watched Ron Paul on Glenn Beck last night, and I thought it was a great interview. I agreed with a lot of what Paul had to say, and I appreciated that he got a chance to explain his positions fully. He talked a great deal about making the government smaller and cutting government expenses.

“We spend, and then we tax, and then we borrow, and we still don’t have enough money,” he said. Paul went on to explain that he believes in cutting domestic programs and making social security optional. He also said that “You also have a right to the fruits of your labor, which is why I’m so opposed to the income tax.”

One of the reasons why I like Paul is because of his belief in the Constitution - he wants an America that's more like the America of our founding fathers. “To me the Constitution is very libertarian," he said in the interview. "The Constitution was written to restrain the government, not to restrain the people.”

As you may have seen, I added a link to his site in the sidebar; I think I've decided on him as my primary candidate. Go Ron Paul!

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