Monday, December 03, 2007

Pring-Wilson case goes to jury

Closing arguments took place in the Pring-Wilson trial today, and this afternoon the jury began deliberating. I couldn't be there, unfortunately, so I don't have any more details than that.

I predict that the jury will take a long time to arrive at a verdict. The evidence was not clear cut enough to make it obvious one way or another. I might be wrong, though, and I would really like to be there for the verdict, so I'll probably be calling the DA's press office from time to time to see if a verdict is imminent.

In my opinion, the jury definitely ought to find him not guilty, and I predict that they will. To convict someone in a criminal case, the prosecution needs to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and they didn't quite do that. From the evidence that was presented in court, Pring-Wilson's story makes at least as much sense as the prosecution's. I hope the jury looks objectively at the facts and makes the correct decision.

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