Thursday, May 29, 2008

Entwistle trial approaching

The trial of Neil Entwistle is rapidly approaching, and I am going to try to be in court every day to watch it. There's a pretrial hearing tomorrow, and jury selection begins on Monday. It seems like it's going to be a huge media circus, but the media doesn't get reserved seats, so spectators like me will have an equal chance as reporters to get seats in the courtroom. This probably means everyone has to show up extremely early. Tomorrow I'll at least get some idea of how crowded it's going to be.

There have been some new developments in the case in the last week or so. First, defense lawyer Elliot Weinstein was going to try to get two Boston Herald reporters who wrote a story about Entwistle's alleged "suicide" letter to give up their secret sources. But now that the prosecution has said they aren't going to use the letter as part of their case, Weinstein has decided not to subpoena them after all.

Additionally, the Herald wrote a story about "shocking" new details in motions filed by prosecutors yesterday. Allegedly, at the time he was arrested in the London subway, Entwistle had on his person a page torn from a tabloid with ads for escort services, a handwritten note indicating that he was trying to contact a former girlfriend, and another note indicating that he wanted to sell the rights to his story. I don't think these new developments are all that shocking. Sure it doesn't exactly help the defense, but it shouldn't be news to anyone that Entwistle was looking for sexual partners, or that he desperately needed money. The Herald didn't yet get a chance to look at the defense's motion. I'm looking forward to hearing what they have to say.

Here are a bunch of recent articles to check out:

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