Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thoughts on Bob Barr

Bob Barr, a Libertarian, entered the presidential race yesterday. This complicates things for libertarian-leaning Republicans like me. I like Barr's positions on the issues better than McCain's, but Barr doesn't really have a chance of winning, and he'll likely take votes away from McCain just as Nader took votes away from Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004. I really don't want Clinton or Obama to win, but I've never been too excited about voting for McCain, and it's cool that there's a candidate I'd actually be excited to vote for. Here are some of Barr's views:
  • Adopt a national sales tax, which would replace the IRS, and also repeal the 16th Amendment, which gives Congress the power to levy an income tax
  • Secure people's 4th Amendment rights
  • Let people make more of their own choices and accept responsibility for the results
  • Secure our borders against people who want to take advantage of American taxpayers
  • Don't interfere with other nations; use the armed forces only for national defense

Barr still has to become the Libertarian nominee, and he's up against Mike Gravel, Wayne Allyn Root, and others. The Libertarian National Convention will take place over Memorial Day Weekend, May 22-26. Should be interesting! In the meantime, check out Barr's site: BobBarr2008.com.

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