An elementary school in California has forbidden kindergarteners from dressing up as pilgrims and Indians this Thanksgiving. According to some parents, wearing headdresses and pilgrim hats is "demeaning" and "a racist stereotype."
I can think of a lot of things that are demeaning, and wearing pilgrim and Indian outfits isn't one of them. Headdresses, beads, and vests are a simplified way of representing typical Native American clothing, just as pilgrim hats and collars are a simplified way of representing what the pilgrims wore. There's nothing bad about wearing a headdress, so how is it insulting to Native Americans for kids to wear headdresses? What is demeaning about acting out a historical event?
Political correctness has gotten way out of hand. Things that should be simple and fun are forced to become bland, meaningless, and pointless.
Have a great Thanksgiving, and don't let the PC police ruin it!