Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Some good news

After my (appropriately) depressing post about the election yesterday, I thought I'd recap the few good decisions voters made. Yes, I said that America did the wrong thing on almost every choice, but "almost" is the key word. Here are the few things voters did right:
  • It looks like Proposition 8 is going to pass in California! I'm very pleasantly surprised that a state with such a liberal reputation is actually trying to put an end to gay marriage. Marriage is not a right, and the voters have every right to ban it. I hope the state government doesn't somehow try to overrule the people's decision like Massachusetts did.
  • Arizona and Florida approved resolutions to ban gay marriage, too.
  • Nebraska voted to end affirmative action. This discriminatory practice is insulting and unfair to people of all races and genders.
  • Washington voted to allow doctor-assisted suicide. Committing suicide does not hurt anyone and is not immoral, so there is no reason why people shouldn't be allowed to do it if they choose to.
  • Colorado rejected an amendment that would define "person" as "any human being from the moment of fertilization." In philosophy, a person is defined as a rational, autonomous being. Fetuses (and babies, by the way) are therefore not persons, and to define them as such would be contrary to the rules of the English language.