Saturday, November 15, 2008

Maybe Obama's not that bad...

I have to admit, Obama has done one good thing as president-elect so far: expressed his support for Joe Lieberman. Lieberman, a Democratic senator who endorsed McCain for president, is chairman of the Department of Homeland Security Committee. The other Democrats are trying not only to get him ousted from the committee but also to stop him from caucusing with them.

This really exemplifies the hypocrisy of many liberals. The Democrats like to profess their tolerance for people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, nationalities, economic classes, et cetera. But as soon as one person has a different opinion from them, they exclude that person. It seems like most liberals strive for a nation diverse in skin color, sexuality, and language but uniform in opinion.

To his credit, Obama stuck up to the bigoted majority of his party by saying he thinks Lieberman should be allowed to stay as chairman. I wonder if there will be any more pleasant surprises from the president-elect.