Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bad Rush Limbaugh!

I was appalled to read this morning that Rush Limbaugh was detained at an airport for having Viagra with a prescription in someone else's name! The problem isn't the dubious prescription (I don't believe in requiring prescriptions for any medications), but the Viagra itself! Viagra is completely immoral and should be outlawed! I have no idea why anyone would ever want to use it. Think about what it does! For the life of me, I don't understand why anyone would want a medication that does that. If there was a pill that did the opposite, then that would be useful! I can't believe that a conservative icon like Limbaugh would ever use Viagra.

To Limbaugh's credit, however, I must point out that the radio commentator made a great joke about the incident on his radio show. He said that he got the Viagra from the Clinton Presidential Library, having been told that it was blue M&Ms!

As always, go to
CNN for the full story.

P.S. I apologize for not posting for so long. There has not been much in the news lately, with the exception of the Justin Barber trial, which I have been watching on Court TV for the past two weeks or so. On Monday a jury recommended that Barber receive the death penalty for killing his wife. Although the trial is mostly over, it is still ascinating to read about, so check out the following links:


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