Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Harry Potter news

J.K. Rowling recently gave some interesting, but still mysterious, clues about Book 7. On a British talk show, she disclosed that the final chapter in the series, which she wrote in 1990, has undergone some minor changes. One character whom Rowling planned to kill off has gotten a reprieve, at least partly because Rowling's husband objected to having the character die. To make up for this, two characters will die who were not originally planned to. Rowling hinted that the characters who die are major characters; she also made some controversial comments that some have interpreted as pointing to the fact that Harry will die.

Also, the first promotional picture from the 5th Harry Potter movie is out, and Harry seems to have much shorter hair than he did in the 4th movie! I am pleased with this. Although I don't like Harry's new hair as much as his hair in the first two movies, I hated his hair (and Ron's too) in the 4th movie and am glad it doesn't look like that again! Also in the hair department, Mugglenet has a clip of a skit that Potter actors Dan Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson filmed for Queen Elizabeth's 80th birthday. In the skit, Ron, as well as Harry, seems to have shorter hair. Although Hermione's hair looks the same in the skit, I saw a few pictures of her at the Queen's birthday (after the skit was filmed), and she has bangs! I'm not going to get my hopes up, because this seems too good to believe, but there might be a possibility she has bangs in the 5th movie. This would be awesome, as I liked her hairdo with bangs in the first two movies much better than the hairdo in the later films.

In case you aren't following what I'm saying, which is quite possible since I seem to be rambling on, or if you want to see the information and pictures for yourself, which is also highly likely, go to http://mugglenet.com

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