Friday, June 30, 2006

Planned Parenthood's treachery

Yesterday, the evil vaccine Gardasil was approved for routine use on eleven- and twelve-year-old girls and even for use on girls as young as nine. In case you haven't read my previous posts, Gardasil prevents cervical cancer, a disease that only people who have sex can get. Adding to this assault on innocence and virginity is the fact that Planned Parenthood, an organization that I thought was pro-choice, has announced its belief that all girls should be forced to receive the vaccine in order to attend public schools. Additionally, Merck, the evil manufacturer of Gardasil, is planning to see if the vaccine can be given to boys. The actions of Merck and Planned Parenthood are based on an assumption that all people will have sex and therefore are an affront to all bachelors and maidens of the world. I stand for childhood and celibacy, I oppose Gardasil with all my heart, and I will not give a single inch! Merck, Planned Parenthood, and other anti-celibate organizations must be defeated. For a start, here are a couple of addresses that you can write to:

Planned Parenthood:
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
434 West 33rd St.
New York, NY 10001

Merck & Co., Inc.
One Merck Drive
P.O. Box 100
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-0100 USA

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