Sunday, October 29, 2006

And now Michigan too!

Michigan wants to make the cervical cancer vaccine mandatory too! Look here for proof. I'm not sure of the details, but it seems like Michigan introduced this horrific bill before Massachusetts did, as the web page is dated Sept. 13, 2006. Be sure to vote "NO" in the poll at the link above.

Edit: I just found another article confirming the story. A bipartisan group of female legislators, led by Sen. Beverly Hammerstrom, endorses the bill. Yes, you read that correctly - the word "bipartisan" implies that some Republicans actually support this affront on the Bill of Rights. I am appalled at their trechery, and at the fact that so many women's groups, including NOW, support such an insult to women's dignity and independence. They ought to be ashamed of themselves! Hammerstrom, you are truly un-American.

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