Sunday, October 01, 2006

Innocent until proven guilty

The blogosphere has erupted into a brouhaha over accusations that Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla) has sent inappropriate instant messages to two teenage boys. If the accusations are true, Foley made a huge mistake and should be punished for it. However, I am not yet completely convinced of the accusations' veracity. Many of Foley's friends believe he is innocent, and overall he seems like an honorable man. It is possible that someone else sent the instant messages using Foley's username. In short, there's a chance the accusations are true, and there's a chance they're false. Naturally, Nancy Pelosi has jumped all over the scandal, and people are even calling for Dennis Hastert's resignation. I believe these people are way out of line. People are making too big a deal over this, and I am going to consider Foley innocent until evidence emerges that proves him guilty.

PS: Another interesting fact: the controversy has emerged about five weeks before congressional elections. Hmmm.....I wonder why the Democrats chose this time to bring it up?

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