Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Entwistle hearing today

Unbeknownst to me, there was a hearing in the Neil Entwistle case today. His defense lawyer, Elliot Weinstein, wanted the trial to be delayed even further, until March, to give him time to sort through 9000 pages of new evidence. The judge denied Weinstein's motion for now but might decide to delay the trial if the defense can present more reasons to do so.

I am quite upset at the court system and the news media that this hearing was not publicized in advance in any way whatsoever. Each day when I go to the Cambridge courthouse to observe the Pring-Wilson trial, I check the court docket, which (in theory) allows one to look up all past and upcoming court dates for any trial. The docket made no mention of a hearing for Entwistle today. Now I am not sure if the hearing that the docket said would be next Tuesday will even happen...

Anyway, to see a picture of Entwistle at today's hearing, go to the Boston Herald.

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