Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Entwistle trial delayed yet again

After testimony ended for the day in the Pring-Wilson trial, I stayed around the courthouse to catch Neil Entwistle's pretrial conference. Although Entwistle himself did not make an appearance, many reporters and members of the victims' family were present. Judge Diane Kottmyer reversed the ruling she made last week and agreed to delay the trial yet again! First the trial was going to be in last April, then October 1, then January 28, and now jury selection won't start until after March 10! A hearing is scheduled for December 21, by which time the prosecution must provide all relevant discovery, and a status conference is scheduled for February 1.

Also at today's hearing, defense attorney Elliot Weinstein expressed his outrage that the Boston Herald had published Entwistle's "suicide" letter. Calling the leak an intrusion into attorney-client privilege, Weinstein asked Judge Kottmyer to order an investigation into who gave the Herald a copy of the letter. However, she denied his motion.

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