Sunday, November 04, 2007

Pring-Wilson trial tomorrow

The retrial of Alexander Pring-Wilson, the Harvard grad student convicted in a high-profile murder case, is set to begin tomorrow. The defense will now be allowed to presnet more evidence to bolster Pring-Wilson's self-defense claims, including some of the following tidbits:
  • Michael Colono, the alleged victim, threw money in the face of a restaurant cashier in 2001 and kicked the front door, shattering the glass
  • In the same year, Colono verbally and physically assaulted passengers on a train and spit at the police officers who arrested him
  • Samuel Rodriguez, Colono's cousin, repeatedly beat his girlfriend
  • Rodriguez and his friends threw eggs at and then assaulted people in a passing car
  • Rodriguez hit his sister in the eye with a plastic cup and then tried to stab his brother-in-law and smashed the windows of his car

According to the AP, the trial is expected to last 2-4 weeks, and Pring-Wilson is planning to testify in his own defense like he did at his first trial.

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