Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Athiests win in Pennsylvania!

Yet another news bulletin I forgot to add earlier: a federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled that intelligent design should not be taught in public schools. This ridiculous ruling is an insult to philosophers and patriotic Americans! John E. Jones III, the judge who made this evil ruling, is helping to mess up the country. How could a reasonable person oppose intelligent design? Clearly, there are good and bad in the world, so there must be at least one extremely powerful good being that created all the good things, and one extremely powerful bad being that created the bad things. The fact that the universe exists is proof that some being willed it into existence. This is a sad landmark in history. In 1925, a court ruled in the Scopes trial that evolution could be taught in schools. Now, a court has ruled that nothing but evolution can be taught in schools! Teachers can't even mention flaws in Darwin's theory! Those individuals who accuse President Bush and other conservatives of suppressing freedom of speech ought to think about how athiests, agnostics, and other liberals are suppressing freedom of speech. In some places, school choruses, bands, and orchestras can't even sing Christmas songs, towns can't display nativity sets, people are frowned upon for saying "Merry Christmas," and now this! The Pennsylvania ruling is another indication that athiests, not Christians, have most of the power.

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