Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve news and history

Today, for the first time in six years, Christian pilgrims are going to Bethlehem, Jesus's birthplace, to celebrate. Before, the pilgrimages were impossible because of violence (which isn't surprising because Bethlehem is in the Middle East).

Today in history, the War of 1812 ended with the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, and the Ku Klux Klan was founded by former Confederate cavalryman Nathan Bedford Forrest in 1865. Also, three years ago in 2002, Scott Peterson reported that his pregnant wife, Laci, was missing. As most people know, it is a commonly held (and correct) belief that Scott killed his wife either on Christmas Eve morning or the night of December 23. Additionally, one year ago on this date, everyone's favorite Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, paid a surprise visit to American troops in the most dangerous parts of Iraq. Finally, I would like to wish a happy birthday in advance to Jesus Christ, who will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow! Have a happy Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas, everyone!

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