Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Entwistle arrives

At about 9:25 this morning, accused murderer Neil Entwistle was handed over to U.S. marshals at a British airport. He was then flown in a U.S. government plane to Bangor, Maine, where he went through customs. The plane stopped in Bangor in order to drop off another prisoner. Entwistle's plane left Bangor at about 4:45 eastern time and arrived at Hanscom Air Force Base at approximately 5:20. He was taken out of the plane and transferred to a police car behind a hangar so that it would be harder for the media to follow him. However, while watching CBS news I was able to glimpse him for a few seconds as he walked about 100 feet from the plane to the police car. His head was down and he seemed to be wearing a black sweater or jacket and kakhi pants, although it was difficult to tell. A few minutes passed between the time when the plane stopped and the time when he came out, and there was also a delay of a few minutes after he got into the police car.

A caravan of state and local police is driving Entwistle to Hopkinton, where he will spend the night at the town's police station. At 2:00 tomorrow he will be arraigned at Framingham District Court. The prosecutors plan to ask that he be held without bail, and I bet the judge will grant their request.

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