Saturday, February 18, 2006

Entwistle update

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have been unable to post in the Bulletin for a few days. How infuriating that the past week has been exceptoinally news-filled!

As you most likely know, Neil Entwistle was arraigned on Thursday, February 15 at Framingham District Court. The arraignment lasted for only two minutes, and Entwistle remained silent, entering a not guilty plea through his lawyer, the renowned Elliott Weinstein. As Neil was being driven to court, an obnoxious lady in a passing car yelled, "Burn that baby killer!" There were more obnoxious people outside the courthouse, including a woman who screamed "Murderer!" and a man who asked Neil if he missed his daughter and then called him a "sick animal."

As guards led him to the courthouse, Entwistle wore a bulletproof vest and chains. He had a black sweatshirt under the vest, as well as gray sweat pants which may have been prison-issued, and black shoes. His light brown hair was parted down the middle as usual, and his eyes were described as dark brown. During his brief court appearance, Neil refused to make eye contact with his slain wife's family. He seemed expressionless and aloof for most of the two minutes, but his eyes darted around the courtroom a few times, and he seemed to follow every word that was said. For a brief moment, he glared at prosecutor Michael Fabbri as he requested that Neil be held without bail. This request was granted, and Neil was taken to the Middlesex County Jail, where he now has a cell on the 17th floor. According to his booking report, he is six feet and one inch tall and weighs 200 pounds. It seems that the jail uniform is light gray, and Neil's first dinner in jail consisted of beef stew, turkey, mashed potatoes, cereal, milk, and Kool Aid. The food actually sounds pretty good!

Neil has been meeting with his lawyer in preparation for his next court appearance, a probable cause hearing on March 15. This date is historically significant, as it is not only Andrew Jackson's birthday, but also the date of Julius Caesar's assassination. Only time will tell if the Ides of March will bring good or bad luck for Mr. Entwistle.

For more information on the Entwistle case, visit the Boston Herald. Another interesting site is the blog of a Boston Herald journalist whose most recent post describes a brief encounter that he had with Neil Entwistle.

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