Sunday, February 12, 2006

What was Tom Ford thinking?

Because I have been a fan of Dakota Fanning, I recently learned that she will be in the next issue of Vanity Fair. What's disturbing about this is that Fanning will be pictured wearing extremely adult clothing such as high heels and strapless dresses with low necklines. She is also posed in rather mature poses. It seems to be inevitable that all children grow up and become inappropriately sexualized, but it is still infuriating and disappointing when it happens. Fanning had an exceptionally glorious, innocent image as a little girl, and it is a shame that she had to lose it. It seems that the old Dakota exists no more, but I will always remember and cherish her in my heart.

Gay clothing designer Jim Ford was the art director for the issue, and destroying Fanning's innocence was not his only atrocious idea. Keira Knightley and Scarlett Johansson posed nude for the cover of the magazine! If that's not tasteless, I don't know what is. Vanity Fair is supposed to be a culture magazine, not a pornographic one! Well, I guess that shows what the world's culture is coming to, and it certainly doesn't make me very hopeful. Anyone who thinks that this is art is dead wrong. Naked people are ugly, no exceptions. I have decided that without innocence, there can be no beauty. Art is innocence, and innocence is art!

"These are such beautiful people," said Ford," Beautiful women, who doesn't want to see this?" Well, the Imperial Leader certainly doesn't.

I won't give a link to the cover because I consider it indecent, but you can click to see the pictures of Fanning.

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