Saturday, February 25, 2006

Olympic disappointments

Needless to say, the results of the ladies' figure skating were slightly disappointing for team USA. Sasha Cohen fell under pressure again, but miraculously recovered enough to take home the silver medal. Japanese skater Shizuka Arakawa won the gold, the Russian Irina Slutskaya won bronze. I don't think I like the new scoring system. It seems too lenient to skaters that fall, and the results with the new system just don't seem to match how good the skaters actually were.

In other news, U.S. speed skater Chad Hedrick won a silver medal in the 10,000m, which was somewhat disappointig, since he holds the world record in that event. Even worse, skier Bode Miller is now out of the slalom after straddling a gate. This was his last chance to win a medal.

There was some good news in the Olympics, however. American skier Julia Mancuso won the gold in the women's giant slalom, and the U.S. curling team unexpectedly won a bronze medal, America's first curling medal in history.

Good luck to Apolo Anton Ohno in his two events today: the short track relay and the 500m. I'll blog back with the results.

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