Wednesday, April 26, 2006

An anti-marriage rant

Today is a sad day in history: on this date in 2000, Governor Howard Dean of Vermont signed a bill legalizing civil unions for gay couples. Vermont gets the disgraceful distinction of being the first state in the U.S.A. to institute legal recognition of gay couples. I oppose gay marriage and civil unions (which are the same thing as marriage) because it is far more honorable to live one's life independently and celibately than to devote one's life to someone else and lose one's innocence. Marriage is an immoral institution that should be abolished. The fewer marriages allowed, the closer marriage is to being abolished!

On a somewhat similar topic, Robert Travaglini, the president of the Massachusetts State Senate, has proposed that, instead of cutting the income tax to 5% for everyone in the state, only people who care for children or elderly relatives should get a tax break! This is a terrible, unjust idea. Having a baby is immoral, and, no offense to the people who are taking care of elderly relatives, it makes no sense to reward the most immoral people in the state with tax breaks while punishing maidens and bachelors who might actually be living morally.

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