Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A sad farewell to Kellie

Unfortunately, Kellie Pickler was just voted off "American Idol." Kellie was my favorite contestant (possibly tied with Taylor Hicks), and it is completely unjust that she went home this week. Kellie's performance of "Unchained Melody" yesterday was not my favorite of hers, but it was the second best performance of the night, after Taylor's. In my opinion, it is almost always better to sing a good song badly than to sing a bad song well, unless the singing on the good song is really, really bad. Kellie's singing was not really bad, just fair, and she picked by far the best song of any of the contestants. Taylor picked a decent, but not great, song and sang it well. Paris picked a song with good lyrics, but an extremely boring melody, and Elliott picked a very boring song and sang it boringly. Katharine picked a boring song and sang it boringly also; I have never really liked her, and I especially disliked her dress yesterday. Finally, Chris sang well but picked a terrible song that I really, reallly hate.

It's depressing that my two favorite candidates have been voted off, but from now on, until further notice, I will be rooting for Taylor.

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