Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Big news day

What a big day it's been in the news! I have neglected to update my blog for over a week, and today's events especially merit an update.

First of all, the Red Sox won their home opener 5 to 3 against the Toronto Blue Jays. Although I miss Arroyo, Damon, Bellhorn, Millar, Mueller, and the rest, I must admit the team seems great, especially Papelbon and Schilling! With today's win the Sox have improved their record to 6 out of 7.

In (sort of) more serious news, shoe bomber Richard Reid will be testifying in the penalty phase of Zacharias Moussaoui's trial. I don't know if he'll be testifying for or against Moussaoui, but I'm guessing against. Wouldn't it be funny if he testified in Moussaoui's favor about how good a friend and fellow terrorist Moussaoui was?

Another monumental event of today was Iran's announcement that it has produced uranium of high enough quality to make nuclear weapons. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed that he will only use the uranium for peaceful means, but I don't think I believe him!

Finally, I realize that I failed to comment on last week's "American Idol" results. I was not extremely disappointed with Mandisa's ouster. I didn't consider her one of the best or one of the worst, but my respect for her increased when I learned that, being a woman of strong religious convictions, she would be unwilling to perform at any event that benefited gay rights. I just finished watching tonight's "Idol," and I think I liked Kellie's performance the best. However, Bucky, Ace, and Taylor were close behind.

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