Friday, March 31, 2006

"Idol" and gay marriage

Thursday's "American Idol" results, although not the best that could be hoped for, were fairly just. There are some contestants worse than Lisa, but there are also some who are better. Bucky is still my favorite, and needless to say I was extremely happy that he was not in the bottom three.

On another topic that I enjoy, there is glorious news, which most of you probably found out yesterday. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts has decided that gay couples from other states can't marry in Massachusetts! Hooray! Technically, the ruling bans all marriages between out-of-state couples that would be banned in the couple's home state. The ruling is fine with me - the more marriages banned, the better! It was enough for the SJC to destroy the cuture of Massachusetts, let alone ruin the culture of all of America. By allowing gay couples from all over to America to marry, the SJC violated the rights of the other 49 states (or 47 not counting Connecticut and Vermont) to regulate their own morals, effectivaly making gay marriage legal all over America. Well, now the immoral insitution of gay marraige is limited to one state (or three, depending on how you count civil unions). Congratulations SJC - you actually made a good ruling for once!

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